- “We’re all in this together” – understanding moral narratives from prime ministers Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern during COVID-19
Draft available upon request.
- (No) Ideas for tomorrow? – Exploring communicated future visions in German politics during crises and beyond
Draft available upon request.
- Say it in their words: overcoming political divisions through moral reframing
Draft available upon request. Preregistration here.
- I vs. Us Perceptions Explain Us vs. Them Politics: Egotropic and Sociotropic Motivations for Radical Right Support
(with Luca Versteegen and Lilliana Mason)
- Attributing Blame in Times of Austerity: A Cross-National Computational Study of Finance Ministers' Budget Speeches
(with Olga Gasparyan, Slava Jankin & Mark Hallerberg)